Monday, November 26, 2012

Water of life


 The most abundant compound on earth. It covers 70% of the earths surface. The formula is H2O. It has a boiling point of 99.98° C. Even our body consist of 60%-70% of water. We used water in almost any industry. Agriculture, manufacturing, construction, medical even your latest smart phone somehow includes water during its processing. Can a car run without water? Very unlikely. But do we really know everything there is to know about water?

Water can also be in solid, liquid or invincible state. In fact there is water in the air as we speak. Water can even break through concrete through a growing plant. That's the amount of pressure water are capable of. Divers especially knows this. The atmospheric pressure at the surface is 14.7 pounds per square inch or around 100 kPa. At about 10 m below the surface, the water exerts twice the pressure (2 atmospheres or 200 kPa) on the body as air at surface level. So much pressure! (..and you wonder how come the fishes and jelly fish makes it look so easy)

Water has been around longer than us. Perhaps we can learn a lot from what little facts that we know about water. Below is another amazing revelation about water. An experiment done by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Water was exposed to music, spoken words,pictures and videos. Different exposure resulted in different physical structures after the water was crystallized and seen under the microscope. It seems like positive exposure gives out beautiful structures.

So does this mean since our body consist of 60%-70% water, exposing ourselves to positive 'vibes' is a good idea? 

Think about it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
































What's for dinner?

Making dinner can be a fun and interacting way to connect with our kids. We just need to be creative and super patient. Yes, patience is very very important. And also don't be afraid to get ourselves and our kitchen table dirty. 

It's good to get our kids to help us in the kitchen. They love the idea of being able to help mummy cooking. Well, at least this is what my 3 year old Halley thinks. She loves it when I ask for her help. 

Here's a little video of Halley kneading "pan mee" dough for the first time.

Halley was so excited and proud of herself and bragged to practically everyone in the house because she had helped out in making dinner. And she ate a little bit more than usual too.

Do you have any recipes that we can make with our little ones? 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Why I like my English subject

I recently came across many students who confessed that they hate English subject. Come to think about it I was once hated the subject too but not anymore.  What could have changed that?

When I tried to think back, there was one incident during my primary school time that could have changed my perception toward learning the language.  I was from Sekolah Kebangsaan and we usually speak in Chinese and BM in school.  English at that time was not common at all.  We had this weird mindset that those who speak English is just trying to show off, ‘sombong’ some call it ‘action’ but I think most of us were just too afraid of being laughed at if speak wrongly.

All these changed when she came to our school as temporary English Teacher.  It was really so long ago and i wished i can still remember her name.  All I can remember was during one of her English classes, she brought a cassette player and start playing some songs.  We were to copy the lyrics from the blackboard and before we knew it, the whole class started singing, struggling at first with the lyrics, the pronunciation and trying to understand what the song is all about.  We had so much fun singing and we had totally forgotten about our fear of becoming laughing stock because of our bad pronunciation .

And there was another time when she brought us out of the classroom, to learn about instructions on how to make sandwiches…not from textbook but an actual hands-on making real sardine sandwiches and we actually had a picnic after that.

Having said all that, I’m not implying that my English has improved tremendously overnight or I scored A in all my English tests as a results to these, but most importantly, it has changed my negative perception towards learning English.  I paid more attention and I like my English subject.

All these interactive and hands-on ways of learning have definitely worked for me and my classmates back then.  What about you? What works for you?