Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What's for dinner?

Making dinner can be a fun and interacting way to connect with our kids. We just need to be creative and super patient. Yes, patience is very very important. And also don't be afraid to get ourselves and our kitchen table dirty. 

It's good to get our kids to help us in the kitchen. They love the idea of being able to help mummy cooking. Well, at least this is what my 3 year old Halley thinks. She loves it when I ask for her help. 

Here's a little video of Halley kneading "pan mee" dough for the first time.

Halley was so excited and proud of herself and bragged to practically everyone in the house because she had helped out in making dinner. And she ate a little bit more than usual too.

Do you have any recipes that we can make with our little ones? 

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